In terms of significant innovation, DELTA LAVORI has launched the implementation of the new system B.I.M (Building Information Modeling). BIM can be explained as a process involving the creation and management of the Virtual Information Model of a building.

The models, produced in digital form through many computer programs, are represented by their functional and physical characteristics to create a resource of shared knowledge, thus developing a reliable basis for the decisions about the product to be realized, from its conception to the demolition. The progress of such a methodological approach concerns very convenient aspects: fast automatic extraction of all two-dimensional views of the spatial model, the correlation between abacus and the bill of quantities connected to the vector graphics, many implementable and customizable elements which create the virtual building.

BIM can be translated into a process involving creation and management of the Virtual Information Model of a building, thus representing a first step towards the most ambitious goal in the digitalization of the Built Space.

“It is no longer critical to design according to available problem methods (“design for production”), but rather possible to consequently realise a functional construction (“design for function”). This new way of designing should also be applied to the design and the production of architecture. By doing so, architecture itself will change, so will the processes of planning and realizing it.” Quote from “BIM e Digitalizzazione dell’Ambiente Costruito” by Professor Angelo Luigi Camillo Ciribini.

BuildingDELTA Project

The introduction of a new design method so innovative, which completely moves away from the modalities used until now, has allowed DELTA LAVORI to create a real project – “BuildingDELTA” – which involves specialists, office workers and outside contractors in a complex program regarding training and work which started in 2017 and will continue in the following years.

“BuildingDELTA”, as it is conceived, will be structured into phases with increasing complexity, and it will take into account the application of the innovative approach to a basic design that will be considered the leading project. That will allow to identify the difficulties specialists will find daily using the new systemic approach, when its employment will not only be innovation, but rather will be essential for the participation to the calls for tender to appoint public and private works.

The BIM software used are the Autocad Revit programs (building or vertical BIM) and Autocad Civil 3D (roads or horizontal BIM) and TEAMSystem STR for the time schedules and the analysis of the costs of the project (4D and 5D BIM dimensions).