Manutenzione stabilimento industriale. Committente: L Foundry Importo lavori: € 970.000 Anno di intervento: 2011 – 2019
Manutenzione stabilimento industriale. Committente: L Foundry Importo lavori: € 970.000 Anno di intervento: 2011 – 2019
Works of hydrogeological rehabilitation of the historic center in the municipality of Auletta. Client: Municipality of Auletta (SA) Project costs: € 6.111.000
Restoration work of Blumenstihl building, new headquarter of the Lithuanian Embassy at the Italian Republic, located in Vittoria Colonna Street 1, Rome Client: Lithuanian Embassy Project costs: € 2.235.000
Repair and renovation work with seismic improvement of a building, named Villa “De Moll”, damaged by the earthquake of 20-29 May 2012 in the region of Emilia and Romagna Client: Pavarini Arte e Antiquariato snc Project cost: € 4.900.000
Esecuzione dei lavori per la realizzazione delle opere civili, d’armamento e segnalamento del “Nuovo Terminal Intermodale presso il deposito F.A.L. di Serra Rifusa” nel Comune di Matera. Committente: FAL (Ferrovie Appulo-Lucane) Importo lavori: € 5.144.000
Repair work with seismic improvement of a building, named “Villa Canaro”, assigned to production activities located in the town of Gonzaga (MN) Pedroni street n. 9, damaged by the earthquake of 20-29 May 2012 Client: Nukis S.r.l. Project cost: € 4.109.000
Construction works of new emergency stopping areas in the mortoway A12 section S. Stefano Magra-Viareggio. Client: SALT Società Autostrada Ligure-Toscana Project cost: € 3.050.000
Fluvial adjustment through the realization of a detention basin. Adjustment of the riverbed, intended to improve the outflow in the area of Carsoli (AQ) Client: Municipality of Carsoli (AQ) Project cost: € 1.802.000
Planning and works for hydraulic and hydraulic-forestry adjustment of the moat of “Valle Querce” in the town of Fondi (LT). Client: Consorzio di Bonifica Sud Pontino Project cost: € 2.760.000
Construction work of a temporary metal sheet piling preparatory to the excavation and to the quay’s tender n. 27. Client: Autorità Portuale Ancona Project cost: € 1.725.000